1000 Paleo Recipes
From world-class athletes to your next-door neighbor, millions of people agree that the paleo diet is awesome.
And whether you’re a seasoned paleo pro, an aspiring caveman, or even just a curious beginner, we’re sure you’ll agree too.Because you’ve seen the scientific and historical proof. You’ve heard the countless success stories. And there’s a high chance you or your friends and family have already adopted a paleo lifestyle for better health, improved fat loss, increased energy, and to simply feel amazing.
How can you get all the benefits of the paleo diet?
We’re talking about using the paleo diet to have the energy of a primal warrior. Become a health superstar. Reach your ideal weight while eating foods you love. And have a well-oiled immune system that never quits.The problem is that if you’re like most people, you’re barely scraping the surface. Your busy schedule keeps you from really enjoying the foods you are eating on the paleo diet. And when you finally do get ready to cook you get tripped up by not knowing what paleo creation you’re going to make next.
But what if there was a better way?
At Paleovalley, we’ve just finished working on something amazing: a sizzling hot set of recipe books that we believe will completely change the way you experience the paleo diet, and the results you get out of it.
We’ll show you exactly what it is in the next few lines, but first let’s get you inspired by taking a look at…[next]
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.. Bukan SULAP bukan SIHIR
Asap di GEROBAK, jadi UANG di KANTONG anda ..
Paket Usaha Ayam Tulang Lunak “GEROBAKAN” merupakan
paket usaha kuliner yang mudah dijalankan,
murah & mempunyai tingkat pengembalian modal yang sangat singkat.
Hanya dengan Rp. 7.500.000,-
Anda sudah dapat menjalankan
BISNIS KULINER yang terbaik saat ini.
Anda akan mendapatkan property sbb:
-. Gerobak
-. Peralatan masak bakar
-. Peralatan masak goreng
-. Kompor, tabung gas & regulatornya
-. Brosur
-. Spanduk
-. Poster
-. Produk Awal Ayam Tulang Lunak
-. Kaos
-. Training (Pelatihan) PELAYANAN (khusus mitra dalam Jabodetabek)
Materi inti Training Pelayanan :
-. Tata cara persiapan pembukaan outlet.
-. Tata cara membakar & menggoreng ayam tulang lunak
-. Tata cara menyajikan ayam tulang lunak
-. Tata cara menyimpan ayam tulang lunak
Silakan kunjungi web kami :
atau :
Telpon & HP :
081318374450 (Telkom)
08561070103 (Indosat)
081806396669 (XL)
021-94946600 (esia)
Kantor: 021-4759274
PIN BB : 28C97C54
email : bumi.amrita@ymail.com
& dapatkan kemudahan & keterangan lebih lanjut.
Menu-menu andalan kami adalah :
1. Ayam Bakar Tulang Lunak
2. Ayam Goreng Tulang Lunak
3. Pepes Ayam Tulang Lunak
4. ATL Rica
5. ATL Srundeng
6. ATL Penyet
7. PepesCeker Tulang Lunak
8. Bebek Bakar & Goreng
9. Bebek Rica
10. Bandeng Presto Bakar & Goreng
11. Pepes Bandeng Presto
12. Botok Bandeng Presto
13. Aneka Varian Sambal ( sambal trasi, sambal ijo, sambal nanas, sambal ROA)
Paket Usaha kami berikut menu andalannya telah diliput oleh :
– Trans TV – Prog Jelang Siang – 28 November 2011 Pk 12.30 WIB
– ANTV – Program Topik Pagi – 18 Juni 2012 Pk 04.45 WIB ->
Program Usaha Ayam Tulang Lunak Gerobakan :
1. Program Dalam Kota
2. Program Luar Kota ( Program Master Mitra Mandiri)
Terdiri dari :
-. Paket Usaha Standar
-. Mesin Presto
-. Training Produksi
Training Produksi bisa dilakukan di Jakarta atau di tempat mitra.
Info lebih lanjut bisa dilihat di :
Ingin mencicipi sebelum bermitra ? Silakan order Paket Tester kami yg berisi :
4 potong ayam tulang lunak (bisa dibakar & digoreng).
1 pepes ayam tulang lunak
1 pepes ceker ayam tulang lunak
1 bebek presto (bisa dibakar & digoreng)
1 toples srundeng (topping ATL Srundeng)
1 toples tempe orek (topping ATL Penyet)
1 bungkus SAMBAL khas gerobakan
Untuk wilayah Jabodetak, kita antar ke tempat calon mitra
& calon mitra bisa langsung berdiskusi dengan ACCOUNT
OFFICER (AO) kami..
Tunggu apa lagi, langsung silakan order…
SUKSES sudah ada di depan mata kita, AYO BER-WIRAUSAHA !
Label: 1000 Paleo Recipes, ayam, ayam bakar, ayam goreng, ayam presto, ayam tulang lunak, franchise, paket usaha, paket usaha kuliner, peluang usaha, presto, tulang lunak, waralaba
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